vrijdag 17 juli 2009


Okay. Well.

This is my first blog.

I think some of the five people who will ever read this may wonder why I called my blog What I-WonderLand. Well, first; I LOVE Alice In Wonderland, second; I couldn't think of anything else. So now you know why.


I love AIW so much, because it's a childish, grown-up, clever, phylosophic and mathematic story (sorry for my bad English, usually I'm good at it, but today I'm not :p). I've read it three times in English, wich I like the best, and four times in Dutch. Yeah, I'm Dutch, and I love Holland! I live in Arnhem, Gelderland, and it's one of the best cities I know. And I know 8 fine cities. XD

Woohoo, today it's the first day of my big holiday!! (hmm, nice sentence for a song...) I'm going to France next Wednesday (and don't think all Dutch people are going to France, 'cause we're not!!), near St. Michelle. My mom told me it's a beautiful town/island/thingy, but I really have to get a bikini before we go! I think I want a red one. I have a pink one and I'm proud of it... but I just want another one =D

Well, enough crappy talking for this time, see/read ya soon!

xXx Chip

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